The Porter Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7:00PM at the Porter, Maine Town Office. The Planning Board is asking for public input on proposed amendments to the Porter Land Use Ordinance.
The Planning Board will hold a second Public Hearing for public input on proposed amendments on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7:00 pm
at the Town Office.
The regular meetings of the Porter Planning Board will follow each public hearing at 8:00 PM
The Town of Porter has coordinated the existing Land Use Ordinance with DEP 2015 Chapter 1000 Shoreland Zoning, Town regulations, Comprehensive Plan, and State law.
A summary of the changes and ordinance draft are available for review online here, and an office copy is available for review or can be purchased during regular business hours at the Porter, Maine Town Office.
Written comments may be sent to the Town Hall care of the PORTER PLANNING BOARD, 71 Main St, Porter, ME 04068, or submitted online at