The Parsonsfield Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 8:00 AM at the Town Office.
David Porter, PLG Holding, LLC has requested a setback variance to reduce the road setback from 75' to 50' for a new building at 18 Mountain Road, Parsonsfield, ME, Map R18, Lot 42.
All concerned citizens are urged to attend, or you may send comments to or to Town of Parsonsfield, 643 North Rd., Parsonsfield, ME 04047.
Immediately following the hearing there will be a meeting of the Board of Appeals to consider the application.
Please check the Town's website for updates to date/time/cancelations.
The Board of Appeals is made up of elected (sometimes appointed) townspeople, and their responsibility is to rule on disagreements between development and either town administrators or enforcers. Read more here.