The Town of Limington, Maine will hold a Special Town Meeting on December 6, 2018, at 7:30 PM to vote on Articles 1-5 which are
To choose a moderator to preside over the meeting.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers to transfer $17,000 from the General Fund to the Legal Misc. Account (1900-4019) to cover Fiscal Year 2018 expenses. The selectmen favor this vote 3-0, and the Financial Advisory Committee 6-0.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers to transfer $3,500 from the General Fund to the Planning Board Account (1600-0500) to cover Fiscal Year 2018 expenses. The selectmen favor this vote 3-0, and the Financial Advisory Committee 6-0.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers to transfer $7,000 from the General Fund to the Transfer Station Account (3700-4013) to cover Fiscal Year 2018 expenses. The selectmen favor this vote 3-0, and the Financial Advisory Committee 6-0.