Event normally draws visitors from all over New England
Cornish, Maine: Cornish Area Businesses (CAB) announced a 2020 Virtual Strawberry Festival in light of crowd restrictions and safety concerns due to COVID-19. The event, which usually draws crowds of visitors from Maine and beyond, consists of many local vendors and craftspeople, music, food, entertainment, and of course, fresh strawberries. The virtual event will feature Strawberry themed content, vendor product showcase, and a few surprises! It will start on June 26, 2020. Visitors can check it out by visiting www.cornish-maine.org

About Cornish Area Businesses (CAB): CAB takes an active role to promote the general business and community welfare in the town of Cornish, and the surrounding Sacopee Valley area. Consisting of local business owners and funded solely by memberships and member donations. CAB started and continues to facilitate the annual Strawberry Festival, Apple Festival, and Christmas in Cornish.