Welcome to Sacopee Valley Community News, Etc., your new, local, independent news website. We cover community-related topics, events and more in the Cornish, Parsonsfield, Porter, Hiram and surrounding areas - which is why we say “Etc”.
Our mission is to bring quality information to you, our friends and neighbors, and to provide an online space where businesses, organizations, town officials, and others can share news and announcements with the public.
We welcome you to contact us with story ideas, press releases, business announcements, letters to the editor, volunteer opportunities, information about community classes and events, non-profit news, etc.
Community support has been a major driving force behind this website and we are happy to serve our great community.
Content is added on a regular basis, and we will continue to grow with your encouragement and support.
Thank you for believing in us, and we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Cristina Forsyth, Publisher
Sacopee Valley Community News, Etc.