The Saco River Festival Association proudly presents:
The Cornish Bandstand Concert Series at The Old Cornish Fairgrounds, Rt. 25, Cornish, ME (next to Bangor Savings Bank)
This year's line-up provides a great variety of music.
The series will run for 5 consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning July 2, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.:
July 2: Tom Whitehead & His Hot 5 (New Orleans Jazz)
July 9: Sacopee Valley Community Band
July 16: Northwood (Bluegrass/Folk)
July 23: Keanu Keanu (60s-70s Dance Music)
July 30: Darlin’ Corey (Traditional Instrumentals from Maine, Canada, Southern Appalachia & Ireland)
BYOB, chairs/blankets, and bug spray.
In case of rain, the concerts will be held at the Pike Hall, Route 25, Cornish
Concerts are Free - Donations Welcome!
Pizza Slices and Refreshments will be sold.
Proceeds help bring music and the arts to the community and benefits the SAD #55 school music programs.