The Town of Cornish will be holding a special town meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., at Pike Memorial Hall, 17 Maple Street, Cornish.
State of Maine.
York, S.S.
To: John Macintyre, a resident of the Town of Cornish in the county of York and State of Maine:
In the name of the State, you are hereby required to notify and warn inhabitants of the Town of Cornish, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at Pike Memorial Hall, 17 Maple Street, in said town, Wednesday, November 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. to elect a moderator to preside at said meeting, and to vote on the following articles to wit:
Article 1) To elect a Moderator by written ballot to preside at said meeting.
Article 2) To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to execute an agreement to purchase a certain parcel of real estate (Map U02, lot 027) for municipal public parking for a sum not to exceed $120,000, and to appropriate $87,500 for Community Development Block Grant funds and up to $32,500 from Undesignated Fund Balance for said purpose. (An appropriation for estimated site development costs, not to exceed $60,000 will be considered at the March 2020 annual town meeting.)
Article 3) Motion to adjourn.
Given under our hands on this 30th day of October 2019.
Daniel Sherman
Christopher Calnan
David Pike
Board of Selectmen