Hiram Town Meeting is an opportunity to greet friends and see what's happening with organizations around town, as well as to contribute to our democracy. To fuel discussions, Friends of Soldiers Memorial Library provide a smorgasbord of home-baked goods and home-cooked food for breakfast and lunch - scones, muffins, cookies, pie, corn chowder, mac 'n cheese, chili, hot dogs, much-needed coffee, and more.
Six organizations: Hiram Arts Center, Hiram Community Club, Hiram Historical Society, Mt. Cutler Park, Soldiers Memorial Library, and Tear Caps Workshops set up displays and contributed items to a free raffle. Good Buddy Farm created lovely floral arrangements. We thank the town for the opportunity to introduce ourselves in this public way, perhaps earn a little money from sales.
The Town announces election results of Municipal Officers - this year Karen James was elected to the Selectboard. The Town annually recognizes service-oriented residents and presents a Spirit of America Ward. This year HHS members Jim and Mary Hannaford were also honored on the cover of the Town Report as well as receiving recognition from the state office. They were also presented with the HHS Hubert W. Clemons Award for Outstanding Service to the Town of Hiram last October.
TV2 films the Meeting and provides mikes for those who wish to speak. It's all over by 1:15 p.m. and everyone feels tired but somehow refreshed.
~ Sally Williams