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A Letter to Porter Residents

Dear Porter Residents,

We live in a beautiful place and we have town officials who work hard, are paid very little, and are doing what they think is best for the town. Presently, there are concerns from a growing number of residents that we need more time to learn and discuss a well-thought-out plan for the maintenance and development of our town roads. We’ve never had much money for roads and with the economic impact of Covid-19, we will likely have even less. So it’s very important that we spend our tax dollars with care.

At present, the road committee recommends that we build our largest roads with the highest amount of traffic 18 feet wide with 2-foot shoulders. There is agreement on this road plan. But last summer a section of Spec Pond Road was re-paved to be 19-20 feet wide, more than the Road Advisory Committee recommended, and at an increased cost to the townspeople. Was this necessary? Will this tendency to build wider continue?

Many other road sections in town (approximately 24 of them) see far less traffic (collectively averaging an estimated 60 cars per day.) Currently, there are plans for several of these less-traveled roads to be built to the same large road standard, even knowing that there are more appropriate, cost-effective, and safe State guidelines that exist. Is this necessary? Can we afford it?

People disagree, they always do. But the town of Porter has a long history of getting along with itself. Please ask our Select Board to allow time for residents to learn more about the proposed road plans, and then be able to contribute their views about speed, safety, and budgeting in relation to road width. You can write to Rob Heard, Chair of the Select Board by mail or email

Please attend the Town Meeting on Saturday, June 13, 2020, at the Middle School to be a part of the discussion and vote on Road Articles 7, 27, and 28.

- Porter Conservation Commission


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