The Hiram Planning Board will be holding three consecutive meetings on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., at the Town Office.
The purpose of the meetings is for the following:
Amish Community/Abner Stoll: Requesting a conditional use permit to have a store located on Tax Map R2 Lot 10-11
To discuss the proposed solar ordinance for the Town of Hiram
To discuss the proposed changes to the Hiram Zoning Ordinance
The conditional use permit application, the draft copy of the solar ordinance and the draft copy of the zoning ordinance changes are at the Town Office for public review during regular business hours. If you wish to have a copy of any of these emailed to you, please contact Terry at the Town Office at (207) 62504663 or
If you have any comments or concerns and wish to mail them to the planning board for the record, you may mail them to Hiram Planning Board, 16 Nasons Way, Hiram, Me 04041
The public is welcome to attend, no Zoom meeting will be available.