Soldiers Memorial Library
85 Main Street, Hiram, Maine 04041
The public library of the Town of Hiram is hiring for the part-time position of
The Board of Trustees of Soldiers Memorial Library is seeking applicants for temporary, part-time work with responsibility to manage cleaning and sanitation of specific areas and materials of the Library building and with supervision by the Library Director (LD).
Using provided self-protective equipment and cleaning/sanitation supplies, the Sanitation Manager (SM) will assure that work surfaces, patron work-stations, the restroom, railings, handles, shelving, and materials are cleaned and disinfected after patron use. The SM will also re-shelve books and materials and learn to help patrons to find items of interest. The SM must learn and be able to communicate the requirements mandated or advised by the Maine CDC and Maine State Library for the safe use of public buildings.
The Trustees and LD will provide initial training and resources as we all learn to improve our practices.
The applicant should be self-motivated and should have good communication skills and also should have the ability to keep an organized written record of tasks accomplished.
The initial work schedule will be 10-hours-per-week on 2 days each week: Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and either Wednesday or Thursday 10:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. Additional hours may become available.
Although this position is considered temporary, we have assurance that the work will extend to the end of this year, and it is likely that the work will continue into 2021. The duration of this work will depend upon needs determined to be necessary to manage problems that result from the coronavirus pandemic and to manage state and federal requirements.
For more details, leave a message at 207-625-4650 (the Library is not currently open, but messages are received), email soldiersmemoriallibraryfriends@gmail.com, or send a resume/letter-of-inquiry to the address above.