Local cheer program forms alliance with Elite.

Southern Maine Cheer Passion started 3 years ago as a small, local program in Sacopee Valley. Coaches with a passion for the sport wanted to give the kids in the area a great experience plus an opportunity to cheer competitively. The little program grew quickly and became well respected in the world of cheering. Last year SMCP received numerous awards including placing in the top two in every competition they entered. This captured the attention of the well established cheer program Elite Allstars out of Westbrook. A merger was an easy decSMCP had started by practicing at the fairgrounds with just a few mats, dedicated athletes and knowledgeable coaches. Through hard work and enthusiasm for the sport, the program grew quickly. “I don’t think in the beginning we had any idea how good we could be” states Crystal Magda of SMCP “we just kept doing what we loved and it all fell into place!”
SMCP had started by practicing at the fairgrounds with just a few mats, dedicated athletes and knowledgeable coaches. Through hard work and enthusiasm for the sport, the program grew quickly. “I don’t think in the beginning we had any idea how good we could be” states Crystal Magda of SMCP “we just kept doing what we loved and it all fell into place!”

The facilities Elite has to offer will certainly help the athletes grow at a more rapid rate. Elite has been operating for over 18 years and has countless wins for their competitive teams. They focus on proper technique, producing top athletes who enjoy training hard, along with the camaraderie of teamwork. Hundreds of athletes train out of their location every year.
The excitement for this season is astronomical. The merger has created a power combination that will be hard to beat! Enrollment is going on now and practices start October 23. In the meantime, the organizations work diligently on fundraisers to keep tuition and traveling expenses affordable for all. On Friday, October 19 they’re holding a Paint Night, details on the fundraisers and enrollment can be found at www.EliteAllStarsofMaine.com.
By Lisa Tutor