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A Letter to Porter Residents from the Porter Selectmen

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

To: Porter Residents,

New General Assistance rules:

To shorten the decision process and improve office efficiency, General Assistance applications are available during working office hours but will now be considered by appointment on Wednesdays starting at 10:00 AM. Emergency applications are accepted at any time.

Tax Foreclosures:

A new foreclosure policy was adopted and implemented this year. It is available on the website or at the town office.

Credit and Debit Cards accepted:

The Porter Town Office now accepts payment by credit or debit cards. There is a 2.5% charge added for each transaction above $40.00 and a minimum charge of $1.00 for a transaction under $40.00

Land use:

The Town is more actively addressing activities that negatively impact the townspeople, and will be evaluating properties over the course of the next five (5) months to verify if any of the following issues exist:

  • Junk, trash, and waste collections

  • Unfinished permits (building and plumbing), deteriorated roofing, and missing or damaged building coverings (windows, doors, skirting, vents, air-vapor barrier, siding)

  • Dangerous structures

  • Improperly located & unscreened vehicle collections

  • Unauthorized roads, driveways, lots, setbacks, structures, apartments, or shoreland activities

Town of Porter rules apply to anyone in Porter who owns property or develops land, not just someone intending to start a business. Our rules and forms can be located at or picked up at the Town Office during normal working hours.

Our goals are to reduce dangers and welcome families and local businesses in the area, which works toward reducing the property tax rate.

Please contact the Code Enforcement Office ( or 256-4522) for more detailed information or if you have any questions regarding a future or past project.

This year’s road work:

We will be replacing a culvert on Kennard Hill Road at the Cole Brook crossing. Currently, this work is planned for mid-July and will force the closure of Kennard Hill Road for approximately 3 days. Of course, weather conditions will play a large part in when the work actually begins. Most, if not all, of the expenses will be covered by a grant.

Last November we requested bids for road work to be completed during 2020. The work is to be on the following roads:

  • Chapel Street: Remove existing bituminous pavement and existing boulders from road surface for approximately 2165’, and return to gravel. Work to begin at the end of the newly paved section.

  • Pine Street: Remove existing bituminous pavement and existing boulders from road surface for approximately 1825’, and return to gravel. Work to begin at the Fenderson residence

  • Colcord Pond Road: Remove existing bituminous pavement and existing boulders from road surface for 3630’, and return to gravel. Work to begin at end of newly paved section past the Dana Weeks intersection.

  • Colcord Pond Road - Hill: Remove existing bituminous pavement and existing boulders from road surface for approximately 1600’ beginning at a point before Breakneck Hill Road. This portion of Colcord Pond Road will be paved due to the steepness of the hill. Three trees will need to be removed, two red oak trees and one yellow birch which are marked with pink ribbon.

Bids received ranged from $336,689.00 to $265,359.00 which was the accepted bid. After working with the contractor, two of the roads will be narrowed which will lead to a slightly reduced cost.

Future News Letters:

Due to the expense of mailing these newsletters, we would like to strictly use emailing and posting on the website. However, we realize that some taxpayers do not have email or access to the internet. Therefore, if you would like to continue receiving the letters via regular mail, please call the Town Office to make that request, or you may sign up at the Town Hall on a sheet located on the counter in the lobby.

Stay safe and healthy,

Rob, Ron, Brent

Porter Selectmen


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